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Print this answer sheet and fill in the unscrambled names of the Celebrity List

Then after solving the English quote cryptograms, write the letter of the Celebrity from the left column next to the number of the quote in the Quote List. Then after solving the English cryptogram of the The Surprising Fact, identify and write in the name of the Celebrity properly associated with the Surprising Fact

Celebrity List

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________
  6. _______________________
  7. _______________________
  8. _______________________
  9. _______________________
  10. _______________________
  11. _______________________
  12. _______________________
  13. _______________________
  14. _______________________

   Surprising Fact Celebrity: _______

Quote List

  1. ____________
  2. ____________
  3. ____________
  4. ____________
  5. ____________
  6. ____________
  7. ____________
  8. ____________
  9. ____________
  10. ____________
  11. ____________
  12. ____________
  13. ____________
  14. ____________



 Your Name:______________

 Your Mailing Address: 





Your Prize Choice: _______________________________