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The Cross of Lorraine

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Les Forces Françaises Libres or the Free French Forces used the Cross of Lorraine as their symbol. They were the French men and women who continued to fight the AXIS powers even after France had officially surrendered. (You may remember that from the movie Casablanca!) But did you know that it is also the symbol of Joan of Arc, the Knights Templar, the Freemasons, and the entire grail bloodline of the Merovingians who trace their royal lineage through St. Mary Magdalene, whom they believe was the wife of Jesus Christ? For Catholics it is the Cross or Symbol of the office of Cardinal. It has a grand and royal history, but there are those who choose to associate it with the pagan god Baphomet, and claim it is the same shape as the Mark of Cain. When I wear it, it is a symbol of Freed Peoples and of the courage of Joan of Arc and the faithful ministries of St. Mary Magdalene.  A symbol which invokes the Lords Prayer, "Thy Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven!"