August 24 Sudoku
August 25 Sudoku
August 26 Sudoku
April Sudokus
Easy -1
Hard -1
Feb 2007 Sudokus
December Sudokus


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Sudoku is all the rage these days. Here's how to solve this puzzle. Enter the
digits 1 through 9 in the squares so that each column, row and 3by3 square
contains all of the digits 1-9. There should be only one occurrence of each digit
in each column each row and each 3by3 square.
Here's another Interactive Puzzle below.
Click on the Solution link below to get the correct answer.

The Red Egg Treasure Hunt is coming soon!

Published August 26, 2008


Have a request, like more easy puzzles, or more hard puzzles, or just more puzzles each day? Feel free to write me at dwaynaw@verizon.net with comments or suggestions.


Harder Sudoku Puzzles Here         Or Here