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Picture of Stained Glass Window at Church of St. Finnian, here he is blessing his students.

St. Finnian of Clonard founded the Monastic School in Meath where all the "Cool Clerics" of Sixth Century Ireland went to study.  St. Finnian's most famous students became known as the Twelve Apostles of Ireland.

The Catholic Encyclopedia lists them for you, I'd do that too, but then the Crossword Puzzle below would be Too Easy.

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Below is the entry on St. Finnian from the Saints.SQPN.com site http://saints.sqpn.com/saint-finnian-of-clonard/

A pious youth, he founded three churches in Ireland while still a layman. Studied in Wales under Saint Cadoc of Llancarvan and Saint Gildas the Wise. Monk. Great admirer of Saint Patrick. Considered one of the great founders of Irish monasticism. Founded the monastery at Clonard, Meath, Ireland c.520 which lasted a thousand years, and was a training center for great Irish saints. Spiritual teacher of Saint Columba of Iona, Saint Columba of Terryglass, Saint Ciaran of Clommacnois, Saint Brendan the Voyager, Saint Nathy, Saint Nennius, Saint Ruadhan of Lorrha, Saint Daig MacCairaill, and others. Maintained close relations with the British Church. Often referred to as a bishop, there is no evidence he was ever so consecrated.

Legend attributes many miracles to him. Birds would gather around him because of his gentle holiness. Reported to have cleared parasitic insects, worms and vermin from the island of Flathlom and the regions of Nantcarfan. One story says that he fended off a party of Saxon raiders by causing an earthquake to swallow their camp.

Below is the entry on St. Finian of Clonard at CatholicOnline.org: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3368

The “Teacher of the Irish Saints.” He was born in Myshall, in County Carlow, Ireland. Trained by Sts. Cadoc and Gildas in Wales, Finian returned to Ireland where he built schools, monasteries, and churches. Clonard at Meath was his most famous foundation, and under his direction it became a renowned scriptural school. He is listed as a bishop, but it is possible that he was not consecrated in the office. St. Columba was one of his students, as he trained the “Twelve Apostles of Ireland” at Clonard. He died there during a plague.