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Celebrity Match-Up

Follow the directions, be one of the first five people to send your correct and completed answer sheet to: 

Dwayna Wisdom
Celebrity Match-Up
12438 W. Marble Dr,
Sun City West, AZ  85375

Win a Sterling Silver St. Joan of Arc Medal on an 18 inch stainless steel chain, or if you'd prefer, a Sterling Silver Joan of Arc Medal on a 24 inch stainless steel endless chain with a military insignia on the back (US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, US Marines, US Coast Guard, or US National Guard)

®      Unscramble the  Anagrams of Celebrity Names A through N. 

®      Then solve English cryptograms of celebrity quotes 1 through 14.  

®      Match the correct quote to the celebrity . 

®      And for the final challenge solve the Surprising Fact Cryptogram

®      Identify the celebrity from the list to whom it is properly attributed.

A.     u sexy old Hula

B.     bob c silly

C.     gail cheapest

D.    stacie  j  muelier

E.     harold  yaWn

F.      narLly tyrf

G.    allen sophmoRe ward

H.    milly  liton

I.       angry sty week

J.      ida GloVer

K.    ann angry ace

L.     zag abrassoZ

M.  drew la cOsi

N.    maryl Heard


1.      Vbi zphj lvb jccs zjvqchcgt.  Vjj icg avou yc fc pt tyvbf typjj vbf jccs tygepf. 

2.      O xcaf wuf pfgw Bcfgcq gctcm cshnsf ucg flfq wcgwfm.  Os gnxf boqbtfg, O'x cg icxnzg inq ow cg O cx inq xh pqfcgwg.

3.      Ouk iuwif vubfw ijf kum za om yuwifh.

4.      B'd mx vskvzzvxl ofhyvjvvqvu.  Vcvur lbdv B evl m abcfukv, B jvvq lov ofhyv.

5.      Jhbzszdg zg fu yhnnu.  Gfas zg fu chdiszhp.

6.      Csfdfxfu k luqfdj iheeffji, k oqmmof inbfmsqdp qd bf jqfi.

7.      Bnu bqmgsau ehbn bnu qjb qjtu hi bnjb, uyuf hc zmg ehf, zmg'qu ibhaa j qjb.

8.      Vsn wdpp stj lntoijo xjiajtu sm ulj plsup vsn tjcji uerj.

9.      T vas'h zsan hjk zkl ha qpookqq, eph hjk zkl ha udtbpgk tq hgltsm ha wbkdqk kfkgleavl.


10.   N fcind zv rzoh n mhn anp.  Wcb dhqhj odcf lcf vmjcdp vlh zv bdmzr vlh phmv zd lcm fnmhj.

11.   Ljznr qdpm kgwbo pm jcgqdrw abjcrq'm drbb.

12.   Bxbnd lnavfa ulf evnfa ls lqlabhn.

13.   Xww xhq fl tmfqz mlzwzll.

14.   Cugt djti wul fuo'y oiif ysi xuoiw.  Duhi djti wul'hi oihig ziio slgy. Fmobi djti ouzufw'v cmybsjoe. 

Surprising Fact:

Qtkitxum un mzcqu futxmussic xumbicu roqcztfi glgxiw deqfe dzg xei numimottim un xuczl'g gzxissqxi xifetusurl.