Below we are featuring our Latest and Newest Rosettagrams: When this page fills up the oldest ones will be archived on a run-off page with a link in the bar at the left. This is the place to come for the latest puzzles: Now for some real fun. Here's a 4 Language Rosettagram One of the puzzles is in English, one in Spanish, one in Albanian, and one in, dig this, Tok Pisin. (also spelled Tok Pison, by English speakers) What the heck is Tok Pisin, well it's a kind of pidgeon English, an English based creole if you will, spoken in Papua New Guinea. See you're learning stuff already. Once this puzzle has been up on the web for a week or so, we'll publish a list of Cognates that can be gleaned from both the 2- language and 4 language Rosettagrams on this page. Since we're just practicing and honing our skills here, we're going to give you the author and the source of the quote. John Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament
Here's a Two language Rosettagram© featuring a quote from my favorite author Dr. Wes Tracy The R Word