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Charles -Pierre Baudelaire (April 9, 1821 - August 31, 1867)

Known Suicide Attempts:
May 1845
June 1845
January 1861

Morbid Romantic Poet

Completely obsessed with and prolific translator of Edgar Allan Poe's works.

Best known for his Poems "Les Fleurs de Mal,"  "The Flowers of Evil" which were criticized for being immoral and morbidly perverse. In addition to writing poems, Baudelaire devoted 16 years of his life to the arduous translation into French of over 1500 pages of the work of Edgar Allan Poe.  On opposite sides of the Ocean, they never met, but it is apparent that Baudelaire considered  Poe more than a mentor, perhaps even a soulmate.   Due to the difficulty of capturing the "Poetic" sense of verse that has been translated from another language Baudelaire was successful in translating only one of Poe's poems.

Here's another 2-language Rosettagram from Baudelaire:


yhi bfvi oi dmxx
qdm dhxxhe-mgmy, qdm pdvnqm mxkocv pvam,
qcmawxoil viy kmoxmy, qh kome dmc
qcvoqhc nzhfnm,
evn oq him xvnq wcoldq naoxm ndm
qdhfldq qh pxvoa,
nfpd vn avym nemmq qdm ahcioil hs don khen?

V lcmvq nqhim avi chnm xoum v qhemc hi whvcy,
nqhhy vq qdm dmxa viy pxmsq qdm sxhhy zchshfiy:
wfq qdm pvxa dmch, xmvioil hi don nehcy
lvrmy wvpu, viy ehfxy ihq hssmc him xhhu chfiy.


yhi bfvi vfj mismcn
sconnhiiviq nhfn nhi ymfox, xv pdvnqm mq avolcm mxkocm,
zomn ym x'mzhfj zmcsoym mq tfo sfq nhi vaviq,
nmawxvoq xfo cmpxvamc fi nfzcmam nhfcocm
hf wcoxxvq xv yhfpmfc ym nhi zcmaomc nmcamiq.

Qhfq ychoq yvin nhi vcafcm, fi lcviy dhaam ym zomccm
nm qmivoq v xv wvccm mq phfzvoq xm sxhq ihoc,
avon xm pvxam dmchn, phfcwm nfc nv cvzomcm,
cmlvcyvoq xm noxxvlm mq lm yvolivoq comi khoc

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