Mary Magdalene Lore
Mary Magdalene was said to have traveled throughout the Mediterranean
preaching the Gospel of Jesus in the years that followed his crucifixion and
resurrection. She was, it is said of royal lineage and was received at all the
best palaces on the social circuit at the time. One such visit was to Tiberius
Caesar's home in Rome Mary was said to have told with great animation the
story of Jesus' appearance to her upon his resurrection. Mary employed an
egg to illustrate the concept of being born to a new life. Tiberius Caesar
evidently skeptical of her story is said to have said that the likelihood that
Jesus rose from the dead was about the same likelihood that the white egg she
held in her hand would turn red. At that moment as she held out her hand the egg
turned red. This is supposed to be the origin of the centuries old custom
of exchanging red eggs at Easter in the Byzantine East.
The artwork on the right
side which depicts Mary Magdalene holding the Egg is done by Bridge Building
Images and the link under the image will take you to the Bridge Building Images
site which features the artwork.
The artwork below on the left is done by Robert Lentz ,whose card design and a brief
narrative on the site which re-tells the Red Egg story used to be featured on
Bridge Building Site too. I just love their site, I just found another image of
Mary Magdalene with the red egg on their site. the image on the right side is
done by Lu Bro at the same
Bridge Building Images
site. I encourage you to check out the links embedded in this story. The artist
at Bridge Building Images have done some lovely work.
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